Message from The Honorable I. Chester Cooper

100 Years of Gaming is a golden achievement and inspires confidence in the ability, readiness and prepared ness of the Bahamian people to mark the manner of “our bearing”.

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My Fellow Bahamians & Friends,

I find it fortuitous that just days after the 2022/2023 National Budget for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas was passed in the House of Assembly that I am penning these remarks to occasion the celebration of 100 Years of Gaming in our country.

In my Budget Remarks; I reminded Bahamians everywhere and our friends; of the Davis/Cooper (PLP)

Administration’s major goals to grow this economy, grow investments and grow revenues as we meet our commitments and brace ourselves for future shocks and future possibilities.

The celebration of a century in Gaming lends much confidence, excitement and hope to our goals. Looking back from whence Gaming began; we know that perseverance and the commitment to do the right and responsible thing; to never shirk from the heavy lifting but to govern in the best interest of all; brings rich and sustainable benefits.

100 Years of Gaming is a golden achievement and inspires confidence in the ability, readiness and prepared ness of the Bahamian people to mark the manner of “our bearing”.

Let us continue to build a Gaming Industry which is world class renown and respected for its stellar regula tory regime; and let us continue to advance this industry which has been such a major stepping stone for the Middle Class.

In my Ministry; we are very keen on training and development of young people. We want them to take their place at the table. Gaming presents such a lucrative professional opportunity for our people and we must enable and empower and guide.

This is also an opportunity to personally thank our Casino Operators who put their confidence in this nation. Their investment and their good will is part and parcel of the uniqueness of the Bahamian Gaming experience and keeps us ahead of our competitors.

To the local Gaming industry; your journey is just begun. You have an historic occasion and opportunity to seal and build a legacy which speaks to your heart, your soul and your philanthropy as we continue our journey.

Finally, and most important on behalf of my Ministry, I salute the hundreds of persons who have been engaged by the Gaming Board of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas since it was created, on the heels of Majority Rule in 1967.

The country owes you respect, admiration and praise. Continue to do your jobs and to make us all proud as we build on our 100 year history to make Gaming in The Bahamas the well- regulated, awesome Bahamian experience welcome mat of the world.


I Chester Cooper

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister Tourism, Investments & Aviation

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