Tips to Stay Responsible

Few key tips for responsible gaming

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We wholeheartedly supports and strongly encourages responsible gaming, and as such, wishes for each and every one of its readers to practise responsible gaming. In the spirit of responsible gaming, and to help out our readers gamble responsibly, here’s a list of tips of how to stay responsible:

      1. Set aside an amount of money that you can afford to lose; this is your bankroll.
      2. Don’t chase your losses.
      3. Don’t let gambling take up all your time, make time for your family, friends, etc.
      4. Gambling is only an entertaining activity, not a profitable pursuit.
      5. Don’t gamble with the expectation to win; losing is part of the game.
      6. Don’t borrow money for gambling, stick to your own cash.
      7. Take a break when you feel that gambling is stressing you out.
Paulette Bowe, Gambling Addiction Specialist
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